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Isle of Wight computer help

Case Study 3: Mr. X

The mysterious Mr. X is a light computer user - mainly uses his PC for E-mail, general web surfing and downloading music. Keeps Windows and his antivirus program updated automatically via wireless broadband and has scanned it with an (out of date) spyware checker.

Just recently the computer has been running slowly with new menu bars and pop-up windows appearing in his browser. For the last couple of days unidentified windows have been appearing on the desktop and the computer is now almost unusable. Time to call IWPCs for help!


This computer was infected with many different spyware programmes. We installed a spyware and adware checker, then performed a scan. This reported some 30 odd infections, of which 25 were able to be removed automatically. The remaining 5 programmes were removed manually by editing the registry and other system files. The system was then immunised against many common malware programmes and instructions given on how to update the scanner and perform future scans. We then installed an alternative browser which is much less susceptible to infection (and nicer to use!). A couple of other minor problems were solved at the same time by removing some unused hardware and editing the system BIOS setup.

Total time taken?

One and a half hours (no charge for software). The computer is now back to its old responsive self again.

For more information, give us a call or email Chris for an informal chat.

Go to case study 1: Internet business

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0789 150 9466 / IW 897033